Let the Dead bury their Dead! Joseph Stalin. Threshold 51
Yulia Ivanova
Let the Dead bury their Dead! Joseph Stalin. Threshold 51
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Present: the AG (Angel-Guardian, the AD (Angel-Destroyer)
TESTIMONIES: 'The Word to the People'.
From the conversation between Stalin and R. Rolland, General Halder, Friedrich Nietzsche, Leon Trotsky, 'The New Magazine'. Charles P. Stone. A. Harriman, V. Molotov., A. Polezhaev.
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'What happened to us, brothers, why evil rulers and eloquent, clever and sly faithless, greedy rich and accumulators, mocking us, mock our beliefs, taking advantage of our naivety, seized power, take away the wealth, take from the people at home, plants and the ground.
Cut apart the country, fights and trying to fool us, are separated from the past, excluded from the future - doomed to a miserable wretched existence in slavery and subjection to the all-powerful neighbors? (From 'The Word to the People'. The Page of History, 1991)
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'Before the bourgeoisie allowed itself liberal, defended the bourgeois-democratic freedoms and those created himself popular among the people. Now, liberalism has disappeared.
No more so-called 'individual freedom' recognized the rights of individuals are now only those who have capital, and all other citizens are the raw human material, fit only for exploitation.
principle of equality of men and nations was trampled, it is replaced by the principle of full rights of the exploiting minority and subjection of the exploited majority of citizens.
The banner of the bourgeois-democratic liberties thrown overboard. I think it will have to raise the banner of you, the communist and democratic parties and carry forward, if you want to gather around him most of the people.
There is no one to pick it up.'
(Josef Stalin)
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'I would like to see, did you notice the following fact.
Workers in the West are 8, 10 and 12 hours a day. They have family, wives, children, caring for them. They do not have time to read books and draw out for himself the guiding rule.
Yes, they do not believe books very much because they know that the bourgeois scribblers often deceived them in their writings. Therefore, they believe only the facts that they see themselves and can feel with your fingers.
And now these same workers see that in Eastern Europe, a new, worker-peasant state, where the capitalists and landlords no more space. Where there is work and where people enjoy working unprecedented honor.
Hence, workers conclude: it means that you can live without the exploiters, it means that the victory of socialism is possible.
This fact, the existence of the Soviet Union is of the greatest importance in revolutionizing the workers in all countries. The bourgeoisie of all countries know this and hate the USSR with an animal hate.
That is why the bourgeoisie in the West would like to see us, the Soviet leaders, have died as soon as possible.
That is the basis of what they sponsor terrorists and send them to the Soviet Union through Germany, Poland, Finland, sparing it for money or other means.'
(From conversations with Romain Rolland Stalin).
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General Halder about Hitler:
'Except the time he reached the pinnacle of its power, it Germany did not exist for him, there were no German troops, for which he was personally responsible.
For him, at first unconsciously but in recent years, quite deliberately, there was only one glory, majesty, which ruled over his life and for whom his evil genius sacrificed everything.
His own ego.
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'These creatures are not accountable. They appear as fate, without cause, recklessly, cavalierly. They are unexpected, like a flash of lightning. Too terrible, too sudden, too unforgiving, too different , so you can hate them...
They are driven by a mechanism that terrible artist, an artist with a piercing gaze that feels undeniably advance justified in his 'creation' as the mother of his child.'
(Friedrich Nietzsche).
Who is this 'an artist with piercing eyes?' The AD shook his black head in white panama.
'The authorities need to know in person!' In response shook his white head The AG in the same panama.
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Leon Trotsky:
'When at the beginning of 1926 'the new opposition' (Zinovev, Kamenev and others) come with me and my friends in talks on joint action, Kamenev told me to first talk with face to face:
'The block is feasible, of course, only if you intend to fight for power.
As soon as you appear on the podium together with Zinoviev,' Kamenev told me, 'the party will say, That the Central Committee!'s Government!'
Already in the next year and a half course dispelled the illusion of inner-party struggle with Zinoviev and Kamenev about a speedy return to power...
'If there is no opportunity to wrest power from the ruling group now,' said Kamenev, 'one thing remains: to return to a common harness. Zinoviev came to the same conclusion.
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''Circle of homosexuality Meyerhold was wide enough ...
In old Russia, freedom and non-triviality of the sexual life is not encouraged. Perhaps, Meyerhold connected with the Bolshevik coup out into the realm of true freedom, including creative, including sexual.
He could not assume that this revolution will bring an even greater lack of freedom, enslavement and all, that homosexuality is punishable as a criminal or even a crime against the state...
In recent years he has owned, among other things, and fear of homosexuality. "
(The New Magazine).
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'I have seen your adulteries and neighings thy lewdness and thine abominations on the hills in the field. Woe to thee, O Jerusalem, you and after that is blank. How long is it?'
(Jeremiah 13:27).
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'As we know, Stalin was abnormally suspicious, and at the same time, robust and intelligent person...
He was intelligent, but impersonal ruthless, confident that his mode (and, of course, his personal situation) need to remain intact.
Stalin knew of the dangers of autocratic rule in conspiracy understood as one.
He was threatened from the outside is not likely but a very definite prospect of imminent war, plots were likely both in the party in the army.
Thirty years before he was in charge of secret revolutionary organizations, secret of the secret ones, and knew that the only counterweight to secret organizations was secret police.
Stalin was ready to use and have used the secret police, as no one before her did not use. He had to destroy it and destroy the very possibility of an alternative government, not only the opposition but also the shadow of the opposition in the most remote corners, from which could go a different administration.
With these measures it, the regime and the country withstood in the war.
After the war there was no time for a break was at all. He had to keep an eye on America, armed with atomic bombs. Again, again, the regime needed to be protected.
The same measures. The same secrecy. The same, if necessary, sacrifice the innocent.
And so as long as there are no one who could become the focus of danger.
Something in the analytical construction cannot be disregarded
Not so unbelievable that Tukhachevsky and other senior army officers plotted to remove Stalin. In fact, it was likely a priori.
With such concentration of power in the absence of any legal instrument was to replace it (here is both a tragedy and a sign of the Stalin era, it was predictable and predicted) the army became the only alternative.
This kind of lesson learned Roman autocrats long before now. They used people as we can judge, fairly balanced, such as the emperor Septimius Severus and Constantine.'
(Charles P. Stone).
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'I must confess that for me, Stalin remains the most inscrutable, mysterious and contradictory personality that I knew.
The last proposition to make history, and I reserve the right to it.'
(A. Harriman).
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'A friend of mine brought, the writer from Paris A. Avtorkhanov, book The Mystery of Stalin's Death, 'and he gave me to read. I, in turn, gave it to Molotov and a few days later came to hear his opinion.
'It is so dirty,' said Molotov. 'He describes everyone as robbers!
Of course, there is some truth here. Beria is a man so to speak, not so much the past as the future... Reactionary elements of it active, so he tried to pave the way for private property. And beyond that, he does not see. He does not recognize socialism. He thinks that he goes ahead and actually pulls back to the worst...
'Khrushchev is definitely a reactionary type of person, he just cling to the Communist Party. He does not believe in what communism is, of course.
Bulganin is really nothing, neither for nor against, where the wind blows, there he goes.
Beria is, I believe, a stranger. He climbed into the party with a bad purpose.
Malenkov is a capable apparatchik.
When you read, it becomes a little awfully...
'It could be that these four woven plot against Stalin? Avtorkhanov writes.'
'Without Bulganin, yes, she could have all sorts of plans. Beria's role is not clear...
In my opinion, in recent years, Stalin had not quite mastered them. He did not believe anybody. I judge by myself. And he pushed Khrushchev. Here he a little confused.
'According to this book, it turns out that he had ceased to trust Beria.
'I think so. He knew that Beria would go to any, to save themselves.
The same Beria actually chose the guard and Stalin chose from the fact that he gave, I thought that all he does.
And Beria slipped it to him.
'Was it possible that they have poisoned Stalin when drank with him on thIe last day of the disease?
It was possible. Beria and Malenkov were closely related.
Khrushchev belonged to him and had his own purposes. He outsmarted all! Khrushchev was a strong soil, because the petty bourgeoisie was everywhere.
He, Khrushchev, was guided by philistines, and was not interested in ideas.
How can one thing be combined with another?
And he was not interested in the ideas of building communism.
(V. Molotov - F. Chuev).
'I visited Poskrebyshev and talked with Vlasik's daughter. She told me that when her father was arrested shortly before Stalin's death, he said:
'Days Stalin are numbered. He would live a little only.
He realized that Beria removed all the people who were faithful to Stalin.'
'Right. Then said that Vlasik corrupted. Even people from the circle of Stalin corrupted, slept with strange women. But even then I was a little up to date.
Avtorkhanov writes, "The only one who was sincere with Stalin was Molotov...
'Yes, during the funeral of the three speakers, they say, truly, was only one... I also admit that it is so.
'I do not think that Khrushchev was grieved for the death of Stalin.
'No, he was very angry with Stalin.
And Beria even more, of course, Stalin was sometimes expressed disdain for the Beria. He wanted to remove him.
And who he trusted, it's hard to say. It seems to no one.
Khrushchev? He really could not trust him, of course, trust. Bulganin did not fit. To say that Malenkov was close to Stalin, in my opinion, is impossible. Young people were not noticeable. Leningrad's group was kicked by him.]
Avtorkhanov writes that Stalin invented 'Doctors' Plot"' to overthrow Beria. Could he not do it without it?]
It also does not happen. It is necessary in order for others it was convincing. They would keep silent but they will not believe...
'in the announcement of the doctors there was an information of absence of vigilance of on our State Security. It was a strong hint of Beria.'
'Yes, right. I saw that Beria had tried but not quite honestly... I admit that Beria was involved in this case. He played very frankly insidious role.'
(Molotov - Chuev).
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'Stalin was lying on the couch. His eyes are closed. Sometimes he opened them and tried to say something, but the consciousness of him and never returned. When he tried to talk to him and kissed Beria ran his hand.'
'Was Stalin not poisoned?'
'Probably. But who can prove it? He was treaded good doctors. Lukomsky was a good therapist, and Tareyev...'
'They he was killed by Beria himself?'
'Why Beria? A security officer or a doctor could do it,' Molotov replied, when he died, there were moments when he regained consciousness... That's when Beria kept Stalin! Oh! He was ready to...
A cannot exclude that he had a hand in his death. From what he said, and I felt...
At the Mausoleum May 1, 1953 he made such allusions... He wanted, apparently, to call my sympathy.
He said, 'I have removed him. It was as if he assised me.
Of course, he wanted to make my relationship more favorable, 'I saved you all!'
Khrushchev hardly helped. He could guess. And perhaps... They are still close...
Malenkov know more. More, more...
Stalin himself, as I recall, said during the war:
'I know that after my death to my grave will cause a lot of garbage. But the wind will scatter its history relentlessly!'
And one more thing. He writes that in February 17, 1953, Stalin received the Ambassador of India K. Menon.
He drew wolves on notebook pages:
The peasants act wisely, killing rabid wolves!
It seems he was referring to some members of the Politburo.
'He drew it for fun,' Molotov replied.
(Molotov - Chuev).
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People, corrupt people,
Both slaves and executioners,
Forget it, malice sophisticated,
Your spears and swords.
Do not bother too cold
Fierce wrath idol.
Your inner hunger
The whole world cannot fill.
Your teeth are carnivorous
Shine blade scythes.
So Eat lest, bloodthirsty,
Until recently, like dogs.
(A. Polezhaev, a contemporary of Pushkin).
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He in a maximalist way acknowledged only 'saving people', only 'faithful' servants to the Cause.
He intuitively picked, cultivated in his kingdom only suitable for the 'bright future' of dedicated followers of high divine dreams or a mystery, rejecting the servants of the kingdom of darkness and Mammon.
He built the country 'heroes, dreamers and scientists', 'ready to exploit and to work'. I was searching for 'cruise' and often disappointed when 'the winged turned out to be vampires and demons.
And the wingless were crawling on their bellies.
But Joseph persisted in his breeding and incubating work, his resuscitation of 'dead souls'.
Sparing neither himself, nor others, following the concepts of a universal evil studied at the seminary, from which he was 'a good shepherd' must lead his sheep under the command of Heaven:
'Come out of her, my people...'
'Let the dead bury their dead...'
In Joseph, the pastor was not 'relatives': only companions 'mother and brothers'.
He did not change 'soldiers for the generals', even his own son.
Caesar-pastor Joseph often uses biblical language, prohibits religious sects, the murder of children in the womb, introduces censorship on morality that was stricter than under the car, introduced the separate education of boys and girls.
He considered defending the socialist fatherland as 'holy deed' that freed people from serving mammon'.
He was 'a keeper of the vineyard' in the absence of the Lord; he restored, nurtured, protected and defended it...
He tried to force to renounce seated in the soul greedy beast of original sin.
He killed the beast sometimes in a bestial way and believed that it was better than to respect 'the rights of the beast'.
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