I Advise you to Burn the Book. Joseph Stalin. Threshold 30
The ballot papers of the Stalinsky election district of Moscow city for the elections
to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR with inscriptions by voters on it in honor of J. V. Stalin, 26th of June, 1938.
Yulia Ivanova
I Advise you to Burn the Book. Joseph Stalin. Threshold 30
There were presented:
The AG - Angel-Guardian, the AD - Angel-Destroyer
Leon Feuchtwanger, Bukharin, Rykov, Zinoviev, Kamenev, A. Stakhanov, K. Radek, D. Volkogonov, Vyshinsky, Boris Chichibabin.
* * *
Hundreds of revolutionaries who were tried in Hitler's court declare:
'Yes, I did what you accuse me. You can destroy me, but I'm proud what I did.'
Thus, doubters are right, asking, why none of these trotskists did not say that?
Why didn't any of these trotskists say:
'Yes, your 'State of Stalin' was built incorrectly.
Trotsky is right. All I did was good.
You can kill me, but I defend my case.'
It is enough to read any book, any speech of Stalin and look at any picture of him to remember any of its activities undertaken to implement construction, and it immediately becomes clear that this intelligent, reasonable man could never commit such a monstrous folly, as to play with the help of countless accomplices such crude comedy with the sole purpose of celebrating, with Bengali light, his triumph over his overthrown enemy'.
'But the main reason that made the Soviet leaders to conduct this process in front of a multitude of loudspeakers is perhaps the imminent threat of war.
Previously, the Trotskists were less dangerous. They can be forgiven, in the worst case, exiled' (L. Feuchtwanger).
* * *
The remains of the dying classes, private industrialists and their servants, private dealers and their henchmen, former nobles and priests, kulaks and their henchmen, former White officers and the police officers, former policemen and gendarmes spread in our plants and factories, our institutions and trade organizations, enterprises of railway and water transport, and mainly, in collective and state farms.
They have spread and taken refuge there, putting on the mask of 'workers' and 'peasants'.
And some of them even penetrated into the party'. (I. Stalin).
* * *
The collective report of Baku oil industry workers, discussed at 40 meetings in 1920 with thousands of oil workers:
'Oil Five-Year Plan is finished over two and a half years by efforts of workers and professionals'.
* * *
The Magnitostroy:
'At the construction site of the blast furnace workshop a completely new type of team was born - a self-supporting team of excavator operators.
The transition of excavator operators to self-financing brought excellent results...
Self-supporting excavators have broken the world record of machines loading'.
* * *
Fragments of speeches at the 'Congress of winners':
'Stalin was entirely correct when he smashed a number of prerequisites for the Right deviation, formulated formerly by me, applying a brilliant Marx-Leninist dialectic...
The obligation of each party member is rallying around Stalin as the personal embodiment of the mind and the will of the party and its theoretical and practical leader'.
'He, as leader and as an organizer of our victories, showed himself with the greatest strength in the very first time.
I would characterize the things by which Comrade Stalin at that time directly and immediately stood out from all of the then management'.
'We now all know that in the struggle waged by Stalin at the very height of principle, at the extremely high theoretical level, that this struggle and had no slightest taste of any personal moments.
When I returned to the party, Stalin made me such a remark.
'In the eyes of the party you are hurt and harmed not by so much fundamental errors, as by your insincere attitude to the party, which you got in a number of years'.
We now can see as the best people bof est collective peasantry aspire to go to Moscow, the Kremlin, seeking to see Stalin, see him by their own eyes and touch hom by their own hands; they aspire to get direct indications that they want to bring to masses out of his own mouth'.
'The era in we live and which this Congress are happening is a new era...
It will go down in history; it's certainly as well as the era of Stalin...
I want to say from this tribune that I think Kamenev, who from1925 to 1933, fought against the party and its leadership, to be a political corpse.
I want to move forward without dragging his old skin...
Long live our leader and commander Comrade Stalin!'
* * *
'At the Lenin mausoleum, being surrounded by his closest associates: Molotov, Kaganovich, Voroshilov, Kalinin, Ordzhonikidze, Stalin was standing in a gray soldier's uniform.
His calm eyes thoughtfully looked at hundreds of thousands of proletarians, passing by Lenin's sarcophagus by confident steps of frontal detachment and future winners of the capitalist world...
To the compressed and calm as a roc figure of our leader waves of love and trust came. There were coming waves of confidence that there, on the Mausoleum of Lenin, the the headquarters the future victorious world revolution gathered' (K. Radek).
* * *
'To comrade Andreyeva (the Komsomol publishing house 'Detgiz') and to Smirnova (the author of 'The Stories about Stalin's Childhood').
I am strongly against the publication of 'The Stories about Stalin's Childhood'. The book abounds in a mass of factual mistakes.
But this is not the most important thing.
The important thing is that the book has a tendency to root personality cult of leaders and infallible heroes in minds of Soviet children (and common people).
This is dangerous and harmful.
The theory of 'heroes' and 'crowd' is not a Bolshevik one; it is a Social revolutionaries' theory. The Bolsheviks say, 'Common people make heroes.'
'I advise you to burn the book' (J. Stalin).
* * *
Fragments from the latest letters of Bukharin to Stalin:
'I had no choice but to confirm the accusations and the testimonies of others and develop them, for otherwise would go that I do not disarm.
Thinking about what happens, I elaborated this concept: there is something bold and big political idea of the General Cleaning:
a) In connection with the pre-war time
b) In connection with the transition to democracy, this cleaning includes a) the guilty, b) the suspicious, 3) the potentially suspicious...
Without me they could not do.
Even in thinking to himself I grew out of diapers so much that I understood that the BIG ideas and BIG interests override everything.
And it would be petty to raise a question of one's own person along with a world-historical tasks that lie primarily on one's shoulders'.
'I am not a Christian, but I have my own strangeness: I believe that I bear retribution for those years when I really struggled...
This most fact depresses me the most:
In the summer of 1928, when I was with you, you told me:
'Do you know why I'm friends with you? You're not capable of intrigue?'
I say, yes.
In the meantime, I used to visit Kamenev.
This fact is in my head like original sin of a Jew'.
'I inwardly disarmed and rearmed for the new socialist system...
Give an opportunity fro growing to a new other Bukharin, for example, let him be Petrov.
This new man would be the complete opposite of the deceased, he is born already.
Give him an opportunity to do at least some work'.
* * *
From the conversation between Stalin and H. Wells:
'Communists do not idealize the method of violence.
But they, Communists, did not want to be caught by surprise. They cannot rely on the fact that the old world will leave the scene.
They see that the old order defends itself by force. And so the Communists say to working class: be prepared to answer force with force'.
Who needs an army commander, lulling vigilance of his own army…?
A commander who does not understand that when an enemy does not surrender, it should finished with it'.
* * *
'The assassination of Kirov was a good pretext for tightening of all domestic policy in the country.
Stalin could not forget that a quarter of the delegates of 17th Congress voted against him.
How many of them are there throughout the country?
Then very few people could imagine that of 1225 delegates with decisive and consultative capacities 1108 would soon be arrested and most of them would die in the cellars of the NKVD and in camps.
Of the 139 members and alternate members of the Central Committee of the Party elected at the Congress 98 people would be arrested and shot...
This was a deliberate liquidation of the old guard of Lenin' (D. Volkogonov).
* * *
'Comrade Shneer!
The danger of capitalist restoration exists.
Right deviation underestimates the strength of capitalism. And the left one denies the possibility of building socialism in our country' (J. Stalin).
* * *
"When in Moscow there was the first trial of Zinoviev and Kamenev then Pyatakov and his gang, we immediately demanded them to be shot.
In our village even those women who never seem to be engaged in politics clenched their fists, when they listened to what the newspapers said.
Everybody demanded to destroy the bandits' (Alexei Stakhanov).
* * *
'A variety of wines, from the Soviet champagne to Muscat, hundreds of varieties of meat and fish products, cakes, fruit - Muscovites bought all of that in the shops in large amounts.
Thousands of workers of the Grocery and other food stores were occupied with home delivery of different products to customers of to the New Year holiday table' (a number of the newspaper 'Pravda', 1937).
* * *
'To win the battle, it can be needed several divisions.
To lose it, it can be needed a few spies.
To build a railway bridge, thousands of people are needed.
To blow it up, only a few people are needed' (J. Stalin).
"Can I add something? giggled AG and in the school raised his black hand with white cat claws. 'To build a country, a couple of centuries and generations, rivers of tears, sweat and blood are needed...
And to destroy and to privatize it, three werewolves and a demon drink are needed.
And to destroy the party, which was 'a spine of the working class and the immortality of our cause', it needs only one general secretary, a werewolf.
"So that people should remain silent," sighed the AG.
"Well, he always do that. It is silence of the lambs.
But later again river of tears, sweat and blood...
So look for a spot, Joseph...
Look, until the clock struck midnight.
* * *
'I plead guilty to the sinister plan dismemberment of the USSR, because Trotsky was negotiated about territorial concessions, and I was with the in the block trotskists.
This is a fact, and I confess it...
I have already pointed out, when I was giving my testimonies at the main court trial, that not only logic of fighting called us, counter-revolutionary conspirators, to that fetid underground, which is revealed during the trial.
This logic of struggle was accompanied by a rebirth of ideas, a degeneration of psychology, a degeneration of ourselves, a degeneration of people.
Historical examples of rebirth are known.
It is necessary to mention the names of Brian, Mussolini, etc.
And we had a rebirth, which brought us to the camp, which was very close by its features and originality to kulak Praetorian fascism.
I kept silence for about three months. Then I began to testify.
The reason of it is that in prison I overestimated my entire past.
For when you ask yourself: if you die in the name of what will you die?
And then a black void suddenly appears with startling brightness.
There is nothing in the name of what one should die if he wants to die without repenting.
Conversely, all the positive things that the Soviet Union shines with, all of that gains other dimensions of human consciousness.
This disarmed me completely and made me bow my knees before the Party and the country.
Here I must point out that in the parallelogram of forces, of which counter-revolutionary tactics forms, Trotsky was the principal engine of movement.
And the most dramatic aims; terror, intelligence, dismemberment of the USSR and sabotage, primarily came out of this source
I can assume a priori that Trotsky and his other allies in crime, and the 2nd International, the more so because I talked about it with Nikolayevsky, will try to protect us.
In particular and especially me.
I reject this defense because I stand kneeling before the country, the party and the people.
The enormity of my crimes is immeasurable, especially on a new stage of struggle of the USSR.
With this realization, I'm waiting for the sentence.
It has nothing to do with personal experiences of a repentant enemy, but at the height of the Soviet Union in its international significance...
I repeat once again, I plead guilty to the treason of the socialist motherland, the most serious offense that can exist. I plead guilty to the organization of kulak uprisings and preparing terrorist acts...
I plead guilty to conspiracy in the preparation of a 'palace coup'.
This is the essence of things; it is very practical.
I said and I repeat now, that I was a leader, not a little man in counter-revolutionary cause The speech of Bukharin at the trial)/
"Bukharin managed to lay his life on the scales of Antivampiria!" the AG clasped his white hands.
"Do you wanted to say 'death'?"
"No, I wanted to say 'life'.
* * *
'Our entire country, little and old people, waits and demands one thing: the traitors and the spies who betrayed our country to the enemy should be shoot as rotten dogs!
Our people demand one thing: crush damned vermin!
Time will pass. Graves of the hated traitors will grow with weeds and thistles, being covered with eternal contempt of honest Soviet people, the entire Soviet people.
And above us, over our happy country, our sun will still clearly and joyfully shine by its light rays.
We, our people, will continue to walk on cleared way, cleansed from the last scum and filth the, being headed by our beloved leader and teacher, great Stalin' (The fragment of the speech of Vyshinsky at the trial).
* * *
Whose daughters and sons are we
In the darkness of indifferent hours?
Our people and our country -
It disappeared in a moment.
The height has turned into an abyss for us
And God's light is growing dark.
We were born in the homeland,
Which is no more.
(B. Chichibabin, 'Poems from Pages of History).
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