It was something terrible. Joseph Stalin. Threshold 39
Stalingrad. The Germans are defeated. The city is liberated.
A soldier of the Red Army raises the red flag
Yulia Ivanova
It was something terrible. Joseph Stalin. Threshold 39
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The AG (Angel-Guardian).
The AD (Angel-Destroyer)
WITNESSES: V. Molotov, B. Semenov,. G. Flerov, S. Kashtanov, G. Zhukov, Artem, the adopted son of Joseph, D. Volkogonov, N. Berdyaev, Winston Churchill.
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'Our soldiers, inspired by the consciousness of their great mission of liberation, show wonders of heroism and selflessness. They skillfully combine courage and audacity in combat by making full use of force and power of their weapons.'
(J. Stalin)
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'Dear Joseph Vissarionovich, joining the battle for the liberation of the Belarusian land, I swear you hit the enemy bravely, courageously, as long as the heart beats in my young breast.
I will avenge death of mothers and relatives.
With your name we are invincible.'
(The Communist G. Ryband, June 21, 1944)
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'The Red Army adequately fulfilled its patriotic duty and liberated our motherland from the enemy.
Now and forever our land is free from Hitler's evil.
Now the Red Army have to fulfill its last final mission: to complete, with the armies of our allies, the defeat of the Nazi army, crush the fascist beast in its own lair, and hoist the banner of victory over Berlin.'
(J Stalin)
'Just as the Red Army in a long and arduous struggle won a military victory over the fascist forces, workers of the Soviet rear in his duel with Nazi Germany and its collaborators have gained economic victory over the enemy.'
(J. Stalin)
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'Stalin was not a military, but with the leadership of the armed forces he coped well.
No People's Commissar ruled over aircraft as Stalin was.
And Stalin ruled over naval affairs.
And artillery too.
There were errors. They were inevitable, but it all were done. And supply with the new military techniques was under his charge.
That almost nobody knows.'
'I was told by the ambassador Vladimir Semyonov that the at the big meeting in the Kremlin Khrushchev said:
'Here is Chief of General Staff Sokolovsky. He confirmed that Stalin did not know military afairs.
Am I right?'
'No, Nikita Sergeevich, said Marshal Sokolovsky.'
(F. Chuev)
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'In all foreign journals there is complete absence of any works on the subject.
This silence is not the result of lack of work...
In short, the silence is imposed, and this is what is the best indicator of what kind of vigorous work is now going abroad...
We all need to continue work on uranium.'
(From the letter of the Academician G. N. Flerov to Stalin)
'The only thing which makes uranium projects to be fantastic is too much promise, in the case of a successful solution.
In military technology is the real revolution will happen...
While in some areas of nuclear physics we have managed to rise to the level of foreign scholars and sometimes even surpass them, but now we are making a big mistake by voluntarily surrendering won positions.
(G. Flerov)
'Reporting to the question at the State's Committee of Defense I advocated our proposal.
I said. Of course, the risk is there. We run the risk of dozens or even hundreds of millions of rubles...
If we are not going to take that risk, we risk much more: we may be helpless before an enemy who had mastered nuclear weapon.
Stalin walked here and there and said:
It is necessary to do so.
Flerov was an initiator of the decision taken now. "
(The Commissioner of the State's Committee of Defensefor Science S. Kashtanov)
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'During the conference the head of the American delegation, U.S. President Harry Truman obviously with purpose of political blackmail once tried to make on Stalin's psychological attack.
I do not remember exactly what day after a meeting of heads of government Truman announced Stalin about the presence of U.S. bombs an unusually large force, without naming it nuclear weapons.
At the moment this information, as then written abroad, Churchill eyes stared into the face of Stalin, watching his reaction.
But he did not betray his feelings, pretended to have found nothing in the words of Truman.
As Churchill and many other Anglo-American authors felt afterwards that perhaps Stalin did not really understand the significance made him a message.
In fact, after returning from a meeting, Stalin, in my presence told V. M. Molotov about a conversation with Truman.
Molotov then said:
'They enhance their reputation.'
Stalin laughed:
'Let them enhance. I will have to talk with Kurchatov to accelerate our work.
I realized that it was about the atomic bomb.
(G. Zhukov)
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Molotov - Chuev:
'The Constitution of the USSR was completely created by Stalin. He watched, guided.
It was done under His plan and direct, constant supervision.
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Was Jacob, the elder son of Joseph, a Communist? Probably he was a communist, but this feature of his did not stand out.
He worked at a small office. He was beautiful, a little narrow-minded, served in the artillery.
In captivity he behaved honorably and died as a hero.
Stalin did not rescue him, saying, 'All my sons are there.'
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Stalin's adopted son Artem:
'Once he gathered his sons: Jacob, Basil and me:
'Guys, the war will be soon, and you must become militaries!
Jacob and myself became gunners, Basil became a pilot.
All three went to the front from the first day. Stalin called to take us immediately.
It was the only privilege of his as father.
Basil letters to her father are preserved:
In one of them, from the front Basil asked to send him money; in the buffet was opened, and, besides, he wanted to sew a new officer's uniform.
At this writing my father stated such a resolution:
1. As I know, marching rations in divisions of Air Force spacecraft is sufficient.
2. Special uniform for the son of comrade Stalin in the Red Army is not provided. "
That is Vasya did not get any money.
'Stalin was very strict about this. He had no clothes even for burying.
Sleeves at the hem of his uniform were frayed cleaned...
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'During the war Stalin had once happened to see that in the safe of his assistant A. N. Poskrebyshev is a large sum of money.
'What the money it is? In perplexity and at the same time suspiciously Stalin asked, looking not at the stack of banknotes, but at his assistant.
'It's your deputy money. They have accumulated over many years. I take from this only in order to pay for your party contributions,' said Poskrebyshev.
Stalin did not answer, but several days later ordered to send Peter Kopanadze, Gregory Glurdzhidze, Michael Dzeradze rather large money transfers...'
* * * `
'They were his classmates at a religious school and the seminary!' clapped the AD in amazement by his black hands.
'That's just it. Stalin personally wrote a piece of paper:
1. To my friend Petya - 40000.
2. 30000 rubles to Dzeradze.
3. 3.30000 rubles toGrisha.
May 9, 1944, Soso.
And the same day he scribbled another short note in the Georgian language:
'Grisha, take from me a small gift.'
09/05/1944 Your Soso.
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"In Stalin's personal archives preserved some similar notes. In the seventh decade of the height of the war, Stalin unexpectedly showed philanthropic inclinations.
But it is characteristic that he remembered friends from distant youth: to study at a religious school and seminary.
This is even more surprising that Stalin was never keen on sentimentality, spirituality and moral goodness.
It is true that I know of another philanthropic act, which made Stalin after the war. 'The Leader sent a letter of such content to the village of Pchelka of Parbigsky district of Tomsk region:
Comrade Solomin V. G.,
I received your letter dated January 16, 1947, sent through the Academician Tsitsin.
I have not forgotten you and my friends from Turukhansk and will not forget them.
I am sending you out of my deputies' salaries six thousand rubles. This amount is not so large, but you still come in handy. I wish you health.
(The witness of D. Volkogonov).
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Gospel, Good News is the proclamation of the beginning of the kingdom of God on earth in the hearts of people, enlightened by faith.
The Kingdom on earth - someone in vain sees this as a proud challenge to God.
Did we not pray:
'Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as in heaven?'
Sin and challange the Creator are just a voluntary submission to the world 'that lieth in wickedness', headed by the Prince of Darkness.
Not against God but against the devil himself Joseph fought alone in this unequal mortal combat.
Unlike his people that though that there was no other enemy except class one, no, he knew that they exist, forces of wickedness in high places.
And there is a serpent, their boss.
And these forces, in contrast of Joseph, are immortal ...
And he weakened and was already almost seventy.
And sooner or later, at midnight, that fatal page of history would be turned over, and a man with a spot on his forehead would appear...
And open all windows and doors in his castle. And they, horned, tailed, fanged and clawed ones, would rush into his kingdom.
And destroy, defile and tear everything ...
And his scientists would serve Vampiria, his Komsomol girl would sell colonial junk and their body, war heroes would rummage through bins and begging...
Who is he, 'with a spot?' Probably he already goes to school.
And other werewolves, eager for their hour to stick ther teeth into people's necks, pretending to be 'faithful'. How to recognize them?
How can he recognize them?
'Come out of her, my people'.
While Joseph managed to keep their guards in check, the country in fact professed 'narrow path' and walked on it, sometimes without knowing it.
And the Lord was near, and blessed, and have kept, and the holy fire burning in the hearts of men...
Russia resurrected and people's souls revived.
They built a state without predators. However, the prince of darkness and his entourage knew their business, knowing that 'a fish rots from its head'.
Nomenclature of Joseph, the best of the best ... Fewer fire left in their hearts, more hypocrisy, hypocrisy, greed, desire to profit by not graze the people, not to save, and 'cut and shear.
Increasingly, Joseph noticed in their eyes of ravenous vampires lights that cowardly went out, being submissive to the wave of his whip.
He periodically arranged cleaning in order to preserve his vast empire, but there became more and more wolves.
Without the sacraments the dark side in the souls of human fallen nature overcame. And there was no faith in immortality, for which it was worthy to make sacrifices.
Slowly and then becoming even more insolant, they occasionally tried to grab, pull over vital juices, forming a kind of cancer, corrupting the Whole.
Being unenlightened with divine fire a guard is somehow a potential wolf in sheep's clothing, which he craves at the first opportunity to throw off and stick his teeth into someone's throat.
And secretly dreams of foreign countries where wolves walked freely, turned millions, tout sin of Sodom, and slaughter the flock to barbecue...
Unfortunately, the communion of the people to the Gospel teachings and sacraments snapped, barely begun, with the death of Joseph.
Many things point to the fact that in Russia after the war religious revival could begin this...
JOSEPH never fought against the Church, as God's universal agency, he struggled against social church.
Against the 'reactionary clergy', as he often repeated, especially actively intervened in politics on the side of the oppressors.
For him, the ruined building of the temple was not a 'house of God' but a part of the enslavement of man by man, violating the Plan, contrary to his understanding of the Gospel.
For him, the former seminarian and then a revolutionary, who confronted face to face with offending God religious and moral hypocrisy, cruelty to 'little ones' are sharply divided in the minds of the temple as the abode of God and the church as a human institution.
Part of the world that 'lieth in wickedness', part of the machine for the oppression of man by man 'who give the God's to Caesar.
But the elite intellectuals, meanwhile called him to 'put the matter of propaganda of atheism more solidly'.
(Gorky's letter to Stalin).
When the earthly life of Joseph ended, his heirs, negligent pastors, succeeded each other, wolves continued to feed and guard the flock under inertia for some time.
They were watching each other, afraid of each other, pulling on their skins that were eaten by moth and growing fangs and claws, and playing sweetly pastoral for flute, envying their fellows from foreign countries.
They openly confessed that a man came to earth to be a wolf, howling like a wolf. Serve themselves, to the wolf, slaughter sheep for himself, the wolf...
And they understood freedom as not an exemption from serving Mammon and evil passions, which Christian culture taught for many centuries, as well as the freedom to exercise their wolves' rights and not to obey God.
'Condemnation of the Church of the capitalist regime, the recognition of the church the truth of socialism and the labor community, I would consider it a great truth."
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'We would welcome the establishment of a second front in Europe and our allies.
But you know that we have already been rejected three times on our proposal to establish a second front, and do not want to run up to the fourth failure. Therefore, you should not raise the issue of a second front in front of Roosevelt. We will wait for the moment, perhaps themselves the allies put the issue before us.'
(J. Stalin to Litvinov)
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Churchill witnesses (From his conversations with Stalin):
'Tell me, I asked, 'have hardships of this war for and as seriously affected you personally, as a policy of collectivization?
This topic immediately revived the marshal.
'Well,' no, he said, 'a policy of collectivization was a terrible struggle.'
'I thought that do you think it to be difficult,' I said, 'because you were not dealing with tens of thousands of aristocrats and large landowners but with millions of small people.
'With ten millions,' he said raising his hand, 'it was something terrible.
It lasted four years, but in order to get rid of the periodic famines for Russia it was absolutely necessary to plow ground by tractors.
We needed to mechanize our agriculture. When we gave tractors to peasants, then they become useless after a few months. Only farms with workshops can apply tractors.
We made every effort to explain it to peasants. But with them it was useless to argue with them... They alway says he did not want collective farms and better manage without tractors.
'Those were people who you called kulaks?
'Yes,' he said, without repeating the word and after a pause he remarked,
'All this was very bad and difficult but necessary.'
'What happened?' I asked.
'Many of them agreed to go with us,' he said, Some of them were given land for individual processing in the Tomsk region, or in the Irkutsk region, or farther north.
But the main part was very unpopular and they were destroyed by their laborers.
There was quite a long pause. Stalin then continued:
'We not only greatly increased food supply but also immensely improved the quality of grain.
Previously, various varieties of grain were grown.
Now throughout our country no one is allowed to spread any kind were other sorts, besides the standard Soviet grain. Otherwise, they are treated even more harshly. This means an even greater increase in food supply.
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