Battalions of Lies are guarding Truth. Joseph Stalin Threshold 42
The meeting of solidarity with the Soviet Union in New York in 1943
Yulia Ivanova
Battalions of Lies are guarding Truth. Joseph Stalin Threshold 42
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Present: the AG (Angel-Guardian), the AD (Angel-Destroyer).
Witnesses: Molotov, Vasilevsky, Ustinov D. F., S. Shtemenko, Gromyko.
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'To win the war against Germany means a great historical cause.
But winning the war does not mean secure peoples lasting peace and reliable security in the future.
The challenge is not only to win the war, but also to make impossible the emergence of a new aggression, and a new war, if not forever, then at least for a long period of time.'
(Joseph Stalin).
1945. Orders in connection with the release by the 1st Byelorussian Front, the capital of Poland Warsaw, troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front the towns of Przedb?rz, Radomsko, Czestochowa.
Attendance at the Yalta Conference USA, the UK and the USSR.
The signing in the Kremlin 'Treaty of Friendship, mutual assistance and postwar cooperation between the USSR and the Kola republic'.
The orders in connection with the breakthrough of the German defense forces of the 1st Byelorussian Front, rushed into Berlin from the east.
In connection with the breakthrough of the German defenses on the Neisse River by the 1st Ukrainian Front, rushed into Berlin from the south.
In connection with the mastery of the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front, the city of Opava (Czechoslovakia).
The order in connection with a full encirclement of Berlin by the 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian Front, joining the north-west of Potsdam, and in connection with the mastery of the 3rd Belorussian Front Pillau town and fortress.
The attendance at the May Day parade.
The order in connection with the mastery of the city of Berlin, at the completion of the elimination of German forces in Berlin and in connection with the mastery of the cities of Rostock, Warnem?nde, Ribnitts, Marlowe, Laage, grouse, Worlds.
The order in connection with the liberation of Prague.
The order of the Red Army and the Navy in connection with the victorious conclusion of World War II. Speech on the radio address to the Soviet people. Speech at a Kremlin reception.
The inspection of the Kremlin of new models of postwar products issued by GAZ.
The participation in the 12th session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR a convocation.
The presence of the Victory Parade in Moscow. Delivering a speech at a Kremlin reception. The assignment of higher rank - Generalissimo of the Soviet Union.
The reception in the Kremlin parties anniversary session of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
The participation in the Berlin conference, the three powers. Appealed to the Soviet people for the successful completion of the war with Japan. Order of the troops at the completion of the war with Japan.
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Once Beria Stalin warned that his cottage was mined.
'Well let's go look for a mine,' said Stalin. He took with him a soldier with a mine detector and the two walked around the villa. Nothing was found.
Stalin was a man by nature timid and not very fond of people talented and brave. Such as Rokossovsky was, Molotov said.
In the first years there was no guard protection, in my opinion. Then all walked. And Stalin too.
But when we started the new assassination in 1928 ... At the border they were caught with bombs. SR-type people. They are terrorists, bold ...
And then it was enough to kill Stalin, two or three, and all could fail.
I remember the blizzard, the snow coming down, we go along with Stalin, the Manege. This is no giaurd. Stalin, in a fur coat, boots, a fur hat. No one will ever know.
Suddenly a beggar clung to us, 'good gentlemen, give me alms!'
Stalin reached into his pocket, pulled out a ten, gave him and walked away. A beggar after us:
'Bourgeois damn!'
Stalin then laughed:
'That you must understand our people! Give little is bad, a lot is bad too!
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'Stalin had a surprisingly strong memory. I met people who would be remembered as much as he did.
Stalin not only knew all the front and army commanders, and there were over a hundred, but some of the commanders of corps and divisions.
As well as executives of People's Commissariat of Defense, not to mention the governing structure of the central and regional party and state apparatus.
Throughout the war, Stalin always remembered of the strategic reserve and could be called at any time one or another form.'
Marshal Vasilevsky recalls:
'Stalin summoned me to the phone. He asked me to remind you where the Ivanovo-Voznesensky militia division. 'I forgot something,' - he added.
I'm not complaining at the time on his memory, but hesitated - Division relocated, and I could not immediately specify the exact place of its location at the moment.
Stalin to wait a while and then says:
'Well, do not, I remembered', and hung up.
This memory gave Stalin the advantage as the Supreme Commander.
He did not need the constant references, knew the situation at the fronts, the strengths and weaknesses of military commanders.
Capabilities of industry to meet the needs of the fronts, the existence of available rates stocks of weapons, artillery, tanks, aircraft, ammunition, fuel, because the necessary troops.
And he distributed them on many fronts. '
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'I fully agree with Zhukov on the ill-fated globe.
It was not in the office of Stalin, it was in his lounge, and there very few people invited.
Stalin had always had the General Staff prepared maps working on all fronts and theaters of war in what was the need to...
Stalin has become firmly established in military history.
His undoubted merit in that, under his direct supervision, as the Supreme Commander of the Soviet Armed Forces have stood in a defensive campaign and brilliantly performed all offensive operations.
But he, as far as I could see, never talked about their merits.
In any case, I have not heard.
About the same blunders committed in the war, he said to the people honestly and directly in his speech at a Kremlin reception in honor of the commanders of the Red Army May 24 1945goda ...
Stalin interrupted occasionally report an unexpected question, turned to one of those present:
'What do you think about this?' Or:
'How do you feel about this proposal?'
Moreover, the characteristic acceptance was placed on the word 'you'.
Stalin looked at the man who asked, looking intently and demanding, never hurried to answer.
Stalin did not tricks and diplomatic stratagems tolerated.
And for the question has always stood by something more than just an expectation of a response ...
He had an analytical mind, able to crystallize from the great mass of data, information, facts, most important, significant.
Their thoughts and decisions Stalin formulated clearly, clearly, concisely, with inexorable logic. Superfluous words did not like and did not tell them.'
(D. F. Ustinov).
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'I could not hide the surprise thoroughness with which the rate analyzed the fighting, and I involuntarily blurted out:
'By what maps should be High for our actions, if he sees more and deeper us?'
Nikolai Fedorovich smiled,
,The two and five hundred thousandth of the front and one hundred thousandth of each army.'
The main thing to it, and the Supreme, to prompt us to correct our mistakes...'
(The General of Army. S. Shtemenko).
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'Stalin was sympathetic to Roosevelt as a man, and he clearly gave it to us to understand, talking about the illness of the president. Infrequently, Stalin gave the sympathy of other social workers of the world and even more rarely spoke about it.
There were other cases the expression of feelings by Stalin in relation to certain people.
For example, Stalin during the Potsdam conference with all parties kissed Barinov violinist and pianist Gilels, who were well after the dinner. "
(A. Gromyko)
'The military knows - as happened in the fights - planted two troops, one main and one additional, secondary, distracting.
The fighting develop, and suddenly this background eventually becomes significant, and sometimes important, and finally the principal.
This happens not only during war but also ordinary days of peaceful life doing two things at once - his own, daily, and, besides, something in passing.
And look, what he thought was something for yourself, if you want an intimate, after a while becomes a special, important, necessary, and for the people.
That seems to me now that the story of a non-standard figure of Stalin, to which more than once will be treated by historians, is of interest, especially if you remember about the people with him.
(A. Gromyko).
'What caught the eye at first glance to Stalin?
Wherever've seen him, first of all drew attention to himself that he is a man of thought.
I never noticed that what he said did not express its position on the subject under discussion.
Introductory words, long sentences or statements expressing nothing he did not like. His irked if someone said glibly, and it was impossible to grasp the idea, understand what a person wants.
At the same time, Stalin could have tolerated, indeed, condescending attitude toward people who, because of their level of development experienced difficulties to articulate a thought.
Looking for Stalin when he expressed his thoughts, I always noted to himself that he says even the face.
Particularly expressive are his eyes, he at times to squint. It made him look even sharper.
But this view to conceal myself thousands of puzzles.
Stalin used to speaking, say, a rebuke to the address of a foreign leader or in a controversy with him, looking at him intently, his eyes for some time.
And I must say, the object of his attention was feeling uncomfortable at this moment.
Spikes that look pierced. "
(A. Gromyko).
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The Lord's work is to taboo the Law of forbidden fruit.
The case of Satan is to whisper:
'Eat, you will not die, God lied'.
The case of man is a choice.
What to listen to - The voice of the Creator, or The Call of flattering wicked whisperings.
The case of a shepherd, statesman - if possible, to protect, to save his people from these deadly whispers, rather than reinforce them repeatedly.
'Deliver us from the Evil One', not unreasonable to push children into the abyss formidable semianimal existence to serve the evil of materiality.
This Caesar or shepherd statesman becomes the instrument, the mouthpiece of the temptation, commander of the army of Satan, which led to the dark side of their subjects.
Not only for themselves but for their souls would be the Caesar respond to the Court.
To awaken the slumbering man in the Dionysian force - a dark, seamy element of original sin, we need certain conditions.
So a shepherd pleasing to God must comply with fire safety in their home country, and not blow the fire and do nothing.
'By silence God is betrayed.'
People do not really imagine what is good, because even among the clergy do not always find the light. But he knew what was bad, look for a way out by contradiction. And this is a great deal.
Every ten or fifteen years from the party in power werewolves, infected sheep vampirism -
'Those who became fat' in the definition of the gospel - rejected, separated from healthy ones.
After the death of the leader of the werewolves gradually proliferated, all infected herd and the country collapsed.
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'What negative traits, o your view, Stalin had?
'Negative? I'm such a question does not set ever - says Molotov - It did not immediately answer, because it will look lopsided.
He played on the nature of man. But at the same time was very fair.
But they still loved. Loved him ...
'Stalin called people 'cogs'...
'Cogs some screws, but it is important in which direction they rotate - Molotov said, - they truly loved him. It's not just pumping. Good attitude was.
Stalin said, 'The truth guard battalions of lies.'
Khrushchev hinted that Stalin killed Kirov.
Someone still believes it. The grain was thrown.
A commission was established in 1956. The man watched a lot of 12 different documents, nothing against Stalin was not found.
And the results are not published.
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'The leaders of these groups (and some smaller) as the years turned into a pathetic bourgeois incarnate, frightened the imperialists have lost faith in socialism.
They went so far in the fight against the party and its leadership, which actually turned into a rabid enemy of the Party and the socialist cause in the group and the gang of conspirators, set as their goal the overthrow of Soviet power.
They are increasingly converging with each other and prepared vile counter-revolutionary conspiracy and a military coup to bring the country back to capitalism.
To restore the power of the bourgeoisie, as can be seen, hoping to get more comfortable with such power.
When forced to conduct an urgent decisive action to defeat the uprooting and referred to the counter-revolutionary groups and organized criminal gangs they who were preparing a coup d'etat - and this was acknowledged by the accused in open court proceedings - had, of course, and serious errors and irregularities, which can not cause deep regret.
Especially as these errors were possible that in some stages of the investigation fell into the hands of those who then himself was exposed to the hostile treachery and various anti-Party and anti-Soviet affairs.
These degenerates belatedly unmasked traitors in the KGB and the Party organizations, as is obvious, sometimes deliberately pushed some wrong actions, directing them against the honest party members and nonparty.
The Party and the Soviet state could not tolerate procrastination or delay of which became absolutely necessary punitive measures.'
V. Molotov).
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'The movements of Stalin always showed calmness. I've never seen him to, say, a markedly increased step somewhere in a hurry.
Sometimes assumed that, given the situation as quickly as possible to Stalin has a particular meeting, talk quickly or hasten the others to save time.
But this is before my eyes has never been.
It seemed as if time itself ceases to run until the person is busy affair.
(A. Gromyko).
'One day the conversation turned to senseless stubbornness and resistance to Hitler's command of the Germans in the war's end, when it fascism has already been lost. Only the blind could not see it.
We talked about that a few people.
Stalin listened attentively all, and then, as if summing up heard on this issue, he said:
'All this is so. I agree with you. But at the same time we must note one characteristic of the German money, which they have repeatedly demonstrated in the wars - perseverance, steadfastness of German soldiers.
He then expressed by the following thought:
'History tells us that the most resistant soldier is a Russian, the second highest resistance are the Germans, in third place ..
Few seconds, he paused and added:
'Poles and Polish soldiers, yes, the Poles. "
(A. Gromyko)
'Stalin belonged to that category of people who are never allowed to anxiety caused by various setbacks to front, obscure the sober consideration of the situation. Faith in the strength and capabilities of the Communist Party, its people and armed forces.
Patriotism of the Soviet people and their holy wrath against invaders infused into the party and its Central Committee, Stalin's confidence in ultimate victory over the enemy. Without this victory would not be possible.
It later emerged that stress and severe hardships of war could not but undermine the physical strength of Stalin.
And we have only surprised that, despite the work, which, of course, they afflicted them, Stalin lived to see victory.
Do take care of your health Stalin?
For example, I've never seen that, during the Allied conferences of the three powers with him was a doctor.'
(A. Gromyko).
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