The Giant of the Pre-Christian Epoch. Joseph Stalin Threshold 46
The oath of guirillas. August, 1941
Yulia Ivanova
The Giant of the Pre-Christian Epoch. Joseph Stalin. Threshold 46
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Present: the AG (Angel-Guardian). The AD (Angel-Destroyer).
Molotov, Winston Churchill, S. Stalskiy, K. Simonov, J. Duclos, Allilueva, G. Maryamov, E. Gromov, A. Akhmatova, L. Pasternak.
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'Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, I remember your words. It was in the last year.
I said that I do not mind the monthly salary to pay for Chile, and you responded,
'What is it salary? Lives for the revolution must pay!' So you said.
'The bourgeois system is better than a socialist? Better? What?
It is better, because through infected Khruschev's way of thinking. A Khuschev's way of thinking is a bourgeois spirit.
I'm right in the mouth Khrushchev spoke of these things. And I, who was considered a party man, then was not needed.
I can tell you that you cannot trail behind Khruschevs!
Khrushchev was not alone, we have a lot of them, the vast majority. And we, the people who believe that we must stand on principle, other positions, a little deeper it would be necessary ...
Why we do this? What is the reason? Khrushchev one to blame? So it was easy to knock out.
A range of Khrushchev's sitting, but they are silent, but now they understand ...
They all want to live; it was a legal requirement.
But if we now let us turn this to our attention that people who consider themselves to be conscious communists, then we might go on the field to help the bourgeois Khrushchev.
We hold on to his stick - as if we do not keep up...
We only argue about socialism, everything else just mention.
We do not want to understand, does not understand.'
(Molotov-Chuev. 1972).
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The testimony of Churchill's response to the House of Lords on toast in his honor, as unsurpassed in harm to the Soviet Union:
'Unfortunately, there is now a man who caused damage to the country of the Soviets in 1000 more than I did.
That is Nikita Khrushchev.
So let's slap him.'
* * *
'The conversation went on assignment to Stalin Hero of the Soviet Union after the war. Stalin said that he does not fit the status of Hero of the Soviet Union. Hero is awarded for personal bravery.
'I did not show such courage,' said Stalin.
And do not take a star. they only painted the portraits from this star.
When he died, and the Gold Star of Hero of the Soviet Union gave the chief of an award. Her pinned to the pillow and brought to the funeral.
'Stalin wore only one star - the Hero of Socialist Labor. I sometimes put on the Order of Lenin,' adds Molotov.
'Persistently offered one time to rename the city of Moscow, Stalin. It is very hard! I objected. Kaganovich offered. He commented,
'There are not only Leninism but Stalinism too!
Stalin was indignant.
* * *
'We must take into account the complexity of the nature of Stalin ...
About Russian-ness, he believed that government should be headed by Russian. Long did not agree to become Chairman of the Council of Peoples Commissars.
Well, not that that did not agree, but not raised this issue.
I wrote to him, among other things, before I became the head of People's Commissars: you'd better be. It was the end of 1930. Rykov can no longer leave, that's you we want to assign.
I worked as a secretary in the Central Committee. He was on leave. In Sochi.
He wrote me a letter saying that I should appoint.
I replied that I was not a random member of the Politburo, of course. If I come when people will find that I go, so be it, but it would be better if you at this place.
So it was decided, it was under Lenin. Lenin was the de facto party leader and President of People's Commissars.'
(V. Molotov).
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1947. He wax registered as a candidate for deputy of the Supreme Soviets of the Union and autonomous republics. Elected to the Supreme Council of the Union and autonomous republics. Participation in the joint meeting of the Union and the Council of Nationalities of three sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
The administration of the Central Committee plenum CCBP.
His meeting with Foreign Minister of the French Republic.
His meeting with British Foreign Secretary.
His acceptance of U.S. Secretary of State.
His participation in the meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.
The negotiations with the Albanian government delegation to provide economic and cultural assistance to Albania.
His greetings in connection with the 800th anniversary of Moscow.
He was registered as a candidate for deputy of the Moscow Regional Council.
The resolution 'On the currency reform and the abolition of cards for food and industrial goods.'
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'The Soviet trade is our own, the Bolshevik cause.
Trade workers, including shop assistants, if they only work honestly - are agents of our revolutionary, Bolshevik cause.'
(J. Stalin).
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'The forces of the revolutionary movement in China enormously. They are not affected as follows. They will make themselves felt in the future.
The rulers of the East and West who do not see these forces are not with them to the least affected by this ...
Here, truth and justice are wholly on the side of the Chinese Revolution.
That's why we sympathize and empathize with China will be a revolution in its struggle to liberate the Chinese people from the yoke of imperialism and to unite China into one nation.
Who this force is not considered and will not be considered, he is certainly lose.'
(J. Stalin).
* * *
Living by moving forward
Powerful party leads
Strides working people -
And you flag them, Stalin.
For all workers, as the light
You on fire with his youthful years,
Driving back to where there is no sorrow.
Where only the joy of Stalin.
The years go by - year after year
Protect us from adversity
And the distant visible sky
You, the top of Stalin.
You are the enemy: greed dried,
You have taught victories,
You are in the hands of the weak key handed
Of a new life, Stalin.
(Suleiman Stalskiy).
* * *
'But there is a theme that is very important - said Stalin - which need to interested writers. This is the theme of our Soviet patriotism.
If we take our average intellectuals, academic intellectuals, professors, doctors ... they have not been brought up a sense of Soviet patriotism. They undue reverence for foreign cultures.
All feel more minors are not one hundred per cent, come to think themselves in the position of perpetual students.
This tradition is backward, it goes from Peter.
Peter has been a good idea, but soon nalezlo too many Germans, it was a period of adoration before the Germans.
Look how hard it was to breathe, it was difficult to work with Lomonosov, for example.
At first the Germans then the French, it was admiration for foreigners,' said Stalin.
'A simple peasant will not go over trifles bow, will not break the cap. But such people do not have dignity, patriotism, understanding of the role played by Russia.
The military also had such admiration. It has become smaller. Now, no, now they are pulled up and tails.
Stalin stopped, smiled, and some elusive gesture showed how the military pulled up tails.'
Then he asked:
'Why are we worse? What is it? At this point must be hollow for many years, ten years must grind this topic.
Happens that a man does great work and ... he does not understand.'
And he spoke again of the professor, already commemorated:
'Here's to take such a person, not the last person - once again stressed repeated Stalin - and in front of a scoundrel, a foreigner, to a scientist who heads the three below it, worships, is losing its dignity.
So I think.
We have to fight with the spirit of self-deprecation in many of our intellectuals.'
(K. Simonov).
* * *
'Stalin did me the most heartfelt, the most gracious reception. He inquired about my health, recalled the circumstances in which I lived in the years of the underground, thereby showing that he was aware of these events...
Thinking about the huge role played by Stalin during the war, I admired the simplicity of this man. Like 23 years ago, he was modest in his uniform and boots and with a constant tube.
To me, Stalin made a strong impression not only that he was saying, but even more so because it represented in my eyes.
One of his presence gave all event of historical significance.
For my part, I very casually involved in the general conversation that touched upon a variety of topics ...
In the late afternoon, I had a long talk alone with Stalin on the problems of the moment.
The policy of the imperialists, the beginning of negotiations for a truce in Korea, the war in Indochina, the continuing imprisonment of Henry Martin.
On the difficulties faced by French colonizers encountered in Tunisia and Morocco. The results of the elections on 17 June, at which the system was used to block lists of candidates of different parties.
On the development of the governmental crisis in France.'
(J. Duclos).
* * *
'I went to my father especially to talk about this step.
With him at all was difficult to say.
He was once and for all me unhappy, he was disappointed in me.
It was May, all blooming around him in the country - boiled cherries, it was quiet, bees buzzing... So, you want to get married?' He said. Then he kept long silence pause, looking at the trees...
'Yes, it is spring,' he said suddenly. And he added:
'Damn you, do what you like...
'Only on one thing father insisted that my husband did not show up at his house.
We were given an apartment in the city - so we were pleased with this...
And the only one he has deprived us - their hospitality, love and human relationships. He never met my first husband and said firmly that it will not.
'He is too prudent, your young man ... - He said to me - Look at the front because the terrible fire there - but he sees in the rear dug...
I was silent and did not insist on a meeting, she would have ended badly.
(Sv. Alliluyeva).
* * *
'It was known that the melodrama had not been out of favor, and absolutely intolerant of his attitude to the slightest hints of sex scenes.
Bolshakov once in the regular 'packag' of foreign films had brought 'for relaxation' such a tape, which, of course, no comparison is not with those that now fills the screen.
It was enough for Stalin to understand what a picture in the hall heard his angry voice, backed by fist on the table.
'Bolshakov, breed brothel here!' - Got up and left. Behind him stretched the members of the Politburo. "
(G. Maryamov).
* * *
'Enemies' shows better, more interesting 'friends'.
On the description of the first color short, there is the logic of the initiative. When these people portray, you are an argument and all you want.
And when our people portray, the paint drying up, our people get some zamuhryshkami.
The working class as a whole is a revolutionary, advanced class, but also in the working class are individuals ...
Do you think every business worth its weight in gold? You are wrong...
Among the best job there is a single layer, which uses its own working background and selects appropriate in order to arrange their affairs and then povygodnee for themselves betray the interests of the working class.
It is the law of life. "
(J. Stalin on the Movie of Avdeyenko 'The Law of Life'.
'As he speaks strictly on party affiliation Avdeyenko - essentially that de has never been a member of the party and got into it with a reverse gear.
'How can a communist,'- outraged Stalin, 'to draw one of his characters a kind of Don Juan and preach 'love of the tavern', ultranaturalu love I love you, and lie down'.
This is poetry! Would have died then literature, so if people have written. "
Patriarchal sense of the leader were affected by "free" conversations and actions, but some of the characters, although a lot here in full accord with reality.
But art, as Stalin believed, intended to improve, transform lives by educating people in the spirit of the communist ideal. "
(E. Gromov witnesses).
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'I would prefer that our literature showed no enemies as monsters, but as a people, hostile to our society, but not without some human traits.
In the last villain has some human qualities, he is someone to love, someone to respect, for someone wants to donate...
'Trotsky is an enemy, but he was an able man, no doubt. View it must be like an enemy, but having not only the negative traits.'
(J. Stalin).
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'I can remember that at four o'clock in the afternoon there was a long phone call. Causes a" friend of Pasternak. "
A young man's voice, no greeting, said:
'Stalin will talk to you..
'What nonsense! It cannot be! Do not talk nonsense!
Young man:
'I give you my phone number. Dial!'
Pale Pasternak began to dial.
Stalin said that ordered that with Mandelstam will be all right.
He asked Pasternak, why he had not petitioned.
'If my friend the poet is in trouble, I would climb on the wall to save him.'
Pasternak said that if he were not fussed, then Stalin would have known about this business.
'Why did you not contacted me or the writers' organizations?'
'The writers' organizations are not doing it since 1927.'
'But he's your friend?'
Pasternak, hesitated, and after a short pause, Stalin continued to question
'But he's a master, master?'
Pasternak said:
'It does not matter.'
B.L. thought that Stalin had him check if he knows about poetry, and that he explained his shaky answers ...
'Why are we all talking about Mandelstam and Mandelstam... I always wanted to talk to you.'
'About what?'
'The life and death.'
Stalin hung up.'
( Anna Akhmatova witnesses).
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Pasternak called Stalin The giant of the pre-Christian epoch', referring to his Old Testament way thinking.
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Revolution for Joseph was forced saving.
He was likely intuitively aware that violent religious salvation contradicts freedom in Christ.
Which cannot be forced to save, for His elect must HEART. To be born again, LOVE the result of all terrestrial life.
So Joseph used the ideology of communism, the idea of Christianity, the closest government.
Whether he is guilty in his choice - will be determined by the Court.
In any case, I would argue that it would be far worse if Joseph used the enforced collective salvation for Orthodoxy.
r would gradually 'bourgeoisified'.
Or the temptation to 'world revolution'...
What was not allowed to priest was allowed to Caesar. Without the will of Heaven and no superiors 'to whom much is given will be more demanded'.
Caesar must protect the people entrusted to him 'from the evil one', from the temptations of a hostile kingdom of God Mammon.
Most people, if you look at the truth, children of fools, but most believers do poorly imagine, believe.
Each individual 'man-child' nobody does, outside the church wall, he sometimes turns out completely at the mercy of the army of darkness.
'The name of her is legion'.
Salvation of the people is direct duty of Caesar, which the Creator will be judged 'by their fruits' of the Lord's harvest.
If the man-child trusts with his heart and is churched, it is wonderful.
The rest have to, like Moses in the wilderness, to protect against predators, clear, smoked like an icon to the 'image of God'!
To give each charity work, 'daily bread' as possible "to save from the evil one.
The Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And where a man is 'he Way' brings good results, the Savior must come.
'Without me ye can do nothing', that is only on God's tree good fruit.
'By their fruits ye shall know them'...
The task of Caesar is not to lead his people to the abyss, and the House of the Father. But there already let the father decides to...
Or son, about whom it is said: I am the door.
But here the question of how.
Can Caesar protect his people 'Iron Curtain', shooting, repression? When the innocent are often killed by the hot hand...
In addition to 'churched ones' in the conduct of Joseph, in his vineyard, and have been "grafted" or simply "wild" variety.
If we consider not attending on the number of churches (true believers cannot be determined, and no matter the faith, because if you believe, but do not listen to teachings - especially the sin)... If you start from the number of dark, oppressed by poverty and humiliating life of the masses of tsarist Russia, as well as 'exploiting classes' (in the words of Joseph), vampires (speaking our language)... Or feasting among the poor, 'Lazarus' (in the language of the Gospels) of whom over the years of Joseph had been cleared and carried the image of God idea?
There exists a lot. Sheep, the savings from thieves.
Perhaps, even compared with tsarist Russia, not to mention Russia esengovskoy, although the Union and was considered officially atheist state.
And here we are not dealing with the religious exterior, the Pharisees, and with the confession of the Way.
With deep inland, though often unrecognized service of truth that distinguishes the Soviet people in the twenties, thirties, forties, fiftieth...
And then, until the nomenclature werewolves opened the gates of the fortress of Joseph and evil spirits rushed into the inner temple.
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