ere I do not like our Border. Joseph Stalin. Threshold 48
The inscriptions of the Soviet Army soldiers on the walls of the German Reichstag
Yulia Ivanova
Here I do not like our Border. Joseph Stalin. Threshold 48
'We want to live comfortably but imperialism do not agree to it.'
'I understand that he does not agree,' I said.
'You don't understand a damned thing,' Molotov excited, 'You only verbally acknowledge it. And in fact, deployed increasingly violent and dangerous struggle.
Only we do not want it because we want to live well and fight. But it cannot be so.
The events that take place in Poland, they may have to repeat, in my opinion. If we lead a good-line every day just writing greeting ... This talk is self-promotion.
We need a fight, no matter how difficult, we are creating the illusion...
I laugh, I get to New Year's greetings: I wish you a peaceful life, and so on.
They wish a quiet life, but I know that's impossible! If I want a quiet life, so I have become a philistine!
Their task as foreign minister I have seen in the fact that as much as possible to extend the limits of our country.
And it seems we Stalin did a fine job with this task.'
'I can remember the story of A. Mgeladze (the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Georgia in the last years of Stalin) supplemented by Molotov, how after the war, Stalin's dacha on the map of the USSR brought within the new borders - a little like for a school textbook.
Stalin pinned it on the wall:
'Let's see what we have...
In the North, we have all right, okay. Finland in front of us is guilty, and we have removed the border from Leningrad.
Baltic - a native Russian land! Again, we, Belarusians, we now all live together, Ukrainians are together, Moldovans are together. In the West it is fine.
And immediately went to the eastern borders.
'What have we here? Kuril islands are now fully ours, Sakhalin is our, see how good it is!
And Port Arthur is our, and Dalny is ours too.' Stalin moved his tobacco pipe over China. China, Mongolia, everything is in order...
Here I do not like our border!' Stalin said and pointed to the south of the Caucasus (Molotov-Chuev).
1949. His answers to questions the Director General of the European American agency "International Neuse Tools."
His resolution 'On a new reduction from March 1, 1949 state retail prices for consumer goods'.
His negotiations with the government delegation of the Korean People's Democratic Republic of the economic and cultural cooperation.
His participation in the joint meeting of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities fifth session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
His greetings to Marcel Cachin.
His greeting Wilhelm Pieck and Otto Grotewohl.
His greetings Kim Il Sung.
His congratulations to Moscow automobile plant them. Stalin at the 25th anniversary of the plant. Congratulations Marshall Choybolsan and the Mongolian people in connection with the 25th anniversary of the proclamation of the Mongolian People's Republic.
* * *
'In connection with the 70th anniversary received 15,040 gifts and more than 800 thousand reports, letters of appreciation and addresses. In addition, during the last twenty five years in the name of Stalin was sent presents and 4140 104 048 reports, letters of appreciation and addresses. Total 15 April 1950 received 19,180 gifts and about a million reports, letters of appreciation and addresses. Gifts and others were from all over the world. Admission continues.'
'Stalin did not consider these gifts as personal property. In his terms, they belonged to the state, with whom he identifies himself. December 22, 1949 at the Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin Museum of the Revolution in the USSR and the Polytechnic Museum was an exhibition of gifts beloved leader.'
(E. Gromov).
* * *
Thank you, that during the test
You helped us to survive in the struggle.
We do believed you, Stalin,
How we could not believe ourself.
You have been our mainstay and mutual responsibility,
What cannot escape retribution from his enemies.
Let me shake your hand firmly,
And bow to you in prostration...
For your loyalty to the mother-motherland,
For your wisdom and for your honor,
For purity and truth of your life
For what you are, what you have.
Thank you for the days of the great disasters
About all of us you thought the Kremlin.
For what you everywhere with us.
For the fact that you live on earth.
(Isakovsky. 1949).
* * *
'The main advantage of the novel Latsis is not the image of individual characters, but the fact that the principal and the real hero of the novel is the Latvian people... Roman epic Latsis is the Latvian people, who broke with the old bourgeois order and building a new socialist order."
(J. Stalin).
'The second question relates to Dostoevsky. I believed from his youth Dostoevsky is largely the greatest writer of our time and could not agree with the fact that it attacked the Marxists.'
Stalin's answer is simple:
"He was a great writer and a great reactionary. We do not print it because it is a bad influence on young people. But the great writer! "
(M. Djilas).
* * *
'Dimitrov saidconciliatory and almost obediently,
'It is true, we were wrong. But we learn from these mistakes and foreign policy.'
Stalin answered sharply and sarcastically,
'Learn. Has been in politics for fifty years and fix bugs! It is not a mistake, and in a position that differs from ours.'
I glanced sideways at Dimitrova: his ears were red and his face, in places like lichen-covered, go big red spots. Sparse hair disheveled, and strands of dead hung on the wrinkled neck. I felt sorry for him. Wolf from the Leipzig process rebuff Goering and fascism at the zenith of their power, looked gloomily and dejectedly.
Stalin went on,
'The customs union, a federation between Romania and Bulgaria are nonsense! Another thing is a federation between Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania. Then there are historical and other ties. This federation should establish the sooner the better. Yes, the sooner the better immediately, if possible, tomorrow!
Yes, tomorrow if possible! Immediately and arrange it.
'The uprising in Greece should be brought to a close, it was so and said, 'bring to a close'. 'Do you believe,' he applied to Kardel, 'in the success of the uprising in Greece?'
Kardel said,
'If foreign intervention does not increase and will not be allowed if the major political and military mistakes.'
But Stalin continued, paying no attention to the words Kardel,
'If, if! They have no any chance of success. What do you think that Britain and the United States, the United States, the most powerful country in the world, allow breaking their transportation routes in the Mediterranean Sea? It is nonsense. And we have no navy.
The uprising in Greece must be brought to a close as soon as possible.'
(M. Djilas).
* * *
'The philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways, but the point is to change it.'
Communism and communists always and everywhere victorious, until it was possible the realization of this unity of their doctrine and practice. Stalin is inconceivable demonic force has given the persistence and the ability to unite the Marxist-Leninist theory with the government, with state power.
Because Stalin is not a political theorist in the full sense of the word he speaks and writes only when its forces in this political struggle in the party, society, and more often, and here and there at the same time.
This confluence of thought and reality in this business-like and undivided pragmatism lies the strength and originality of the views of Stalin...
I should add: this is ignoring and underestimating the quality of his opinions or formal approach to his texts, and dogmatism in the East, and many serious researchers in the West, Stalin's difficult to imagine today, the answer to his personality and the circumstances in which he came to power.
It is necessary to reiterate that the Stalinist Marxism, Stalin's views never appear, as if they do not exist separately from the needs of post-revolutionary Soviet society and Soviet state.
This is Marxism party, it is vital to turn the power, the a 'leading' dominant force.
His attitude to Marx and Engels, Stalin, of course, never openly expressed. This would endanger the faith of the faithful, and thus his business and government. He was aware that won primarily because the most consistently developed forms of connecting with the dogmas of the action, the consciousness of the reality.
Stalin did not care whether he misrepresented with a particular basis of Marxism.'
(M. Djilas).
'Completeness i.e. scientific nature of Marxism, hermetic closure of the totality of society and the government pushed Stalin's unshakeable ideological extermination of heretics, the most cruel measures, but life has forced him to 'betray', that is to change, the most 'holy' bases of ideology.
Stalin vigilantly guarded by ideology, but only as a means of power, strengthening of Russia and his own prestige. Naturally, therefore, that the bureaucrats who think they are the Russian people and Russia, to the present day harp on their favorite tune that Stalin, despite his 'error' 'did much for Russia'...
Who knows, maybe Stalin, in his insightful and merciless mind and thought that the lies and violence, and there is a dialectical negation, through which Russia and the human race will come at last to absolute truth and absolute happiness? "
(M. Djilas).
* * *
So Joseph got to dry up, almost devoid of roots of a tree, where, dying, every leaf, every branch in agony trying to delay the juice itself.
A public opinion argued that it is ridiculous and even criminal / because infringes the rights of each individual sheet / working on the whole.
That this whole does not exist, and there is no meaning and no truth.
That do look for truth and meaning, the crime and folly, that Russia ever 'muddies the water', for which it is high time to wipe out or at least put it on her straitjacket and isolated from the 'decent society'.
So Joseph had only one thing to make the tree wither operate in accordance with the plan - all of it in concert to serve the whole. This was the foundation of his ideology, he forced them to do it.
Well, different, better 'leaves' of Joseph, served sacrificially and joyfully, though not believed in the divine origin of his. Knowing that soon circled and disappear just become fertilizer for the future life of the leaves and wood.
That made their deed even more beautiful and touching who did not know what tree grows to heaven, and gave someone life itself becomes a life.
'Everything will be so united' in the name of the execution of the Plan, which is the Life is the motto of the kingdom of Joseph.
So why they, leaves, slaves and sons the hireling to judge him, who saved them, getting rid of the terrible fate of useless dried branches, which, by God's terrible definition, 'cut off and thrown into the fire?'
Why a man who, seeing a dying tree and tried to save him, should be judged? Even if not strictly by the law, awkwardly, sometimes barbaric methods, but still save!
He began to see God's idea of the historical process that is the formation of a transfigured the New Adam. God-man, capable of living in the kingdom, where each cell is the life-giving, (giving another life) becomes necessary part of this one universal soul Incarnation.
Where each part is eternal, unique and invaluable, if aware of and fulfill his destiny on earth.
Quicken, sow in life.
'But in general, you just remember duty, from the first moments to the last' - As sung in the most popular Soviet TV series.
You will not say that better. You received from the Creator in a long life, strength, health, talent, intelligence, and should, implementing them, to fulfill the purpose for which intended.
Remember your DUTY to return it to the Creator through the creative mutual growth and service to each other 'from the first moment to the last' is the way to the kingdom.
Leave us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors... The ideal formula of eternal life.
This path is different, we cannot say that the state has led to Joseph all of Life. But we can firmly say that it is diverted from the "second death."
'Come out of her, my people'...
Joseph tried to 'cut out new wineskins', to become 'an engineer of human souls." Not dead souls and able to live in 'the next century'.
And desperately calling, and even forced the ministers of culture, possessing the gift of words, to become his followers.
They did poorly, with fig in his pocket, and Joseph secretly despised and hated them, betraying not only him personally but the Work.
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